Hi everyone,
Here's a quick update about what's happening in our room these days!
Literacy: In Literacy, the students are proofreading and editing their personal narratives. We hope to have the good copies done by the end of this week.
I was so pleased with the oral presentations, "Me, Me, Glorious Me!" Thank you so much for your support with helping your child gather materials, as well as write and practice their presentations. Mark sheets should have come home to be signed and returned last week.
Math: We are just finishing our unit on Time and Money. There will be a study guide coming home on Tuesday and there will be a quiz on Thursday.
Science: We have begun our unit on Strong and Stable Structures. Students have built bridges from paper and will be further experimenting with using their knowledge to build both strong and stable structures with a variety of materials. Thank you to everyone who has been saving and sending in small boxes and tape for the structures the students will be building later in the unit.
**Please continue encouraging your child to show you his/her agenda every night so you can write in your signature.
**Math homework will continue to be sent home on Wednesdays, to be returned (in most cases) by Friday.
**All students should be reading for at least 15-20 minutes every night and writing it in their red duotang reading log.