Tuesday 11 June 2019


I really can't believe it's June 11.  It has been such an amazing year getting to know your children.  They have been a fabulous group - we've been able to do some really fun learning activities and we are now looking forward to sharing some of these with you.  

As your child may have told you, we are planning an Arts Celebration in our classroom.  The students will be showcasing a number of the Visual Arts projects they have worked on over the course of the year, and they will be performing the Plays they have been practising.  These Plays are adapted from First Nations legends:  "Rainbow Crow"(A legend of the Lenape), "Turtle's Race with Beaver" (a traditional Seneca story), and "Chipmunk and Bear"(a legend of the Iroquois)  We really hope that you, or another family member or friend is available to come join us during one of the times available.  

June 24th 
11:20-11:40:  Visual Arts display
11:45- approximately 12:30:  Live performances of Plays
12:30-1:00:  Visual Arts display 

June 25th
4:00-5:30: Visual Arts display and continual run-through of recordings of the Plays 

That morning before recess, the class will have also had their Math Carnival, so their Carnival games will be available to go home with you, too.  

If you have any questions, please contact me at jennifer.farley@yrdsb.ca or at 905-841-6225  ext. 300.