Tuesday 7 January 2020

What's happening in Room 312!

As promised, here is an update on what's happening in Room 312...

Next week, we will be going skating at SARC for our winter electives.  If you haven't already returned the forms, please do so as soon as possible.  If your child will not be skating, please let me know as we are organizing a "stayback" program at the school and it would be helpful to know how many children will be participating in this program while we are skating.

We just finished a unit on addition and subtraction and will be starting a unit on Geometry.  We will be focusing on identifying right angles and describing other angles; comparing various angles using manipulatives; and identifying, comparing, and sorting polygons by their geometric properties.

On Wednesday, the students will be completing a "Show What You Know" culminating assessment on our unit on Forces.  Next, we will be investigating Strong and Stable Structures.

 a)  Reading:  practising making "inferences about texts using stated and implied ideas from the texts as evidence" 
b)  Writing:  continuing to work on generating specific ideas for a personal narrative; will begin exploring how to write strong leads for stories to get people's interest and attention; rehearsing written work orally