Friday, 15 February 2019

Hello everyone! 

Just a quick update to let you know what we're up to in Room 300 in some of our subjects!

In Literacy, we have now finished the novel, Stone Fox, that I've been reading to them.  We had quite the conversation afterwards about how it ended, and we compared the actual ending to the predictions we made at the beginning of the novel.  We're combining some Science in with our Literacy, too, as the students are going to be inventing a toy using their knowledge of Forces and Movement as well as Stability and Structure.  As part of the assignment, they will be writing instructions about how to make and use the toy - also known as Procedural Writing.  

In Math, we are continuing with addition and subtraction, mental math strategies, and problem solving. 

As well, we're practising for the PRIDE assembly which will be on February 28 at 9:20.  All students will be involved in either individual, partner, or group reading in front of the audience.  We hope you will be able to attend.  Our theme is Black History Month.  

Finally, our re-scheduled swimming class will be on Wednesday, Feb. 20 from 2-3 in the afternoon.  We will be back in time for buses at the end of the day.