Happy February!
Hi everyone,
Here's a quick update about what's happening in our room these days!
Literacy: In Literacy, we have been working on making our writing more detailed and interesting through strong word choices. Students have also started presenting their Oral Communication projects they were assigned to complete at home, "Me, Me, Glorious Me!" - please check in your child's agenda for his/her presentation date. In Media Literacy, we are investigating the purpose and intended audience of media texts, and using the "overt and implied messages" in media to "draw inferences and make meaning".
Math: We are partway though our unit called Time and Money. This unit has us exploring the connection between number lines and time, learning how to tell time to 5 minutes on an analogue clock, reading time off a digital clock in different ways (1:25 or 25 minutes after), investigating fractions, and representing and exploring money and making change up to $10 in a variety of ways.
Science: We have begun our unit on Strong and Stable Structures. Thank you to everyone who has been saving and sending in small boxes and tape for the structures the students will be building later in the unit.
**Please continue encouraging your child to show you his/her agenda every night so you can write in your signature.
**Math homework will continue to be sent home on Wednesdays, to be returned (in most cases) by Friday.
**All students should be reading for at least 15-20 minutes every night and writing it in their red duotang reading log.