Sunday, 26 May 2019

Tuesday, 21 May 2019

Plants! (and EQAO)

I hope everyone had a great long weekend! 

As you know from the plant creature that came home last week, we've started our plants and soils units.  We've also planted some bean, wheat and soy seeds, and we're investigating different types of plants, the parts of plants, and how they can grow. 

EQAO starts tomorrow, Wednesday, and the students will be writing every morning until next Wednesday, from 9:10-10:50.  Students will be allowed to have extra time, if needed.  Please try to ensure that your child gets to school on time and that there are no appointments booked on the mornings of these days.  Thank you! 

Many of our bean seeds are sprouting.  We will start transplanting them this week into small pots.
These were the plant pets that I grew in a nylon stocking.  I transplanted them into larger pots with more soil and have lots of arugula and grass growing.  

Thursday, 9 May 2019

What's happening...

Hi everyone,

In Literacy, we're continuing with our unit on non-fiction texts.  We took a little break from writing our information texts on student-picked topics so that we could further explore a variety of text features and writing samples. 

In Math, the students are generally doing well with 3 digit addition and subtraction; we have been learning about different ways to manage data; and we are investigating probability - including frequency of outcomes and fairness in games.  Next week, we will be exploring money and continuing with EQAO practice questions. 

Just a reminder that EQAO testing will be happening from May 21st to May 29th.  If possible, please try to arrange appointments so that your child will be in school these days, especially in the mornings.  EQAO focuses on all of the literacy and math skills that your child has learned from Grade 1 through Grade 3.  Since the beginning of the year, we have been practising old EQAO questions and using the vocabulary found in the test so that all of the children are familiar with the format and wording of the test questions.  I've also been trying to emphasize to them that they shouldn't be stressed about the test - they should just try their best and use the strategies we've discussed.

As always, please contact me if you have any questions. 

Mrs. Jen Farley

Thursday, 2 May 2019


I can't believe it's already May! 

Here's what Room 300 is up to these days...

- addition and subtraction of 3 digit numbers with and without re-grouping
- time
               a) continue playing the "youcubed" game at home with your children to practise their multiplication skills
               b) have your child log on to his/her gapps account and go into the "classroom" - I have posted a number of MATH ONLINE GAMES that your child can play, if that is okay with you.

- non-fiction text features
- EQAO questions in reading and writing

- nutrition
- oral health

- Plants and Soils in the Environment

- reading and choosing parts for plays to perform - plays are all adapted from different First Nations legends