Monday, 9 December 2019

What's happening in Room 312!

Another busy week ahead...

Wednesday evening Holiday Concert :  The students will be singing a beautiful song they have been practising in music class and in our classroom.  
*I'm really sorry but I am unable to make it on Wednesday evening.  I have a Christmas party to attend in Mississauga that evening.  

Coding:   Last week we had our first of three Computer Coding sessions with Mrs. Ford in the Learning Commons.  We look forward to the next one on Friday morning.  

1. Literacy:  
     a)  Reading:  continuing to learn strategies to assist in reading harder pieces of writing  (for example:  using textual clues, chunking words, trying out different sounds)
     b)  Writing:  beginning new unit which will end in the composition of a personal narrative story-currently working on generating ideas 

2. Math:

We are continuing to work on a Fosnot unit called Ages and Timelines which will complement our work on Addition and Subtraction of 2 and 3 digit numbers
a) Solve problems involving the addition and subtraction of two-digit numbers, using a variety of mental strategies
b) Add and subtract three-digit numbers, using concrete materials, student-generated algorithms, and standard algorithms
c) Use estimation when solving problems involving addition and subtraction, to help judge the reasonableness of a solution (from curriculum document)

3. Science:  We are finishing our investigations regarding Forces Causing Movement.  Currently the students are trying to figure out how to reduce and increase air resistance.

1. 20 minutes of reading every night at home, and writing it in the Reading Logs
3. Math homework will come home on Wednesdays and will be due on Fridays.
4. Occasionally, other homework may be sent home either because your child needs some extra practice or your child didn't complete it in class.



Monday, 2 December 2019

Math quiz and Paragraph coming home tonight to get signed and Week 14 Updates

As mentioned in the title, your child should be bringing home a math test and a paragraph tonight.  Please take a look, ask your child questions, and sign both of papers and send them back to school, please. 

Here's what's happening in our classroom in Literacy, Math, and Science.

1. Literacy:  
     a)  Reading:  continuing to learn strategies to assist in reading harder pieces of writing
     b)  Writing:  beginning new unit which will end in the composition of a personal narrative story

2. Math:

We are working on a Fosnot unit called Ages and Timelines which will complement our work on Addition and Subtraction of 2 and 3 digit numbers
a) Solve problems involving the addition and subtraction of two-digit numbers, using a variety of mental strategies
b) Add and subtract three-digit numbers, using concrete materials, student-generated algorithms, and standard algorithms
c) Use estimation when solving problems involving addition and subtraction, to help judge the reasonableness of a solution (from curriculum document)

3. Science:  We are finishing our investigations regarding Forces Causing Movement.  Currently the students are trying to figure out how to reduce and increase air resistance. 

1. 20 minutes of reading every night at home, and writing it in the Reading Logs
3. Math homework will come home on Wednesdays and will be due on Fridays.
4. Occasionally, other homework may be sent home either because your child needs some extra practice or your child didn't complete it in class. 

Tuesday, 26 November 2019

Math quiz on Friday, November 29

On Friday, the students will be writing a math quiz on addition.  With their weekly math homework coming home Wednesday evening, I will also be sending a page with a word problem on it which I have answered.  It will show you and remind them what my expectations are for answering these types of word problems.  Please let me know if you have any questions.  Here is a picture of the word problem, too.

Sunday, 24 November 2019

What's happening in Room 312?

Here's what's happening in our classroom in Literacy, Math, and Science.

1. Literacy:  
     a)  Reading:  envisioning/predicting (what and why); continuing practising to check for comprehension; re-telling; word attack skills
     b)  Writing:  beginning new unit which will end in the composition of a personal narrative story

2. Math: **please fill out and return the "What year were you born?" sheet

We are beginning a new Fosnot unit called Ages and Timelines which will complement our work on Addition and Subtraction of 2 and 3 digit numbers
a) Solve problems involving the addition and subtraction of two-digit numbers, using a variety of mental strategies
b) Add and subtract three-digit numbers, using concrete materials, student-generated algorithms, and standard algorithms
c) Use estimation when solving problems involving addition and subtraction, to help judge the reasonableness of a solution (from curriculum document)

3. Science:  We are continuing our investigations regarding Forces Causing Movement - this week                           the focus is on Gravity.

1. 20 minutes of reading every night at home, and writing it in the Reading Logs
3. Math homework will come home on Wednesdays and will be due on Fridays.
4. Occasionally, other homework may be sent home either because your child needs some extra practice or your child didn't complete it in class. 

The class completed the first phase of the Grade 3 gifted testing last week.  A letter will be sent home,  at a later date, if your child will be continuing with the next phase.  

Sunday, 17 November 2019

What's Happening in Room 312!

It was so nice to see everyone this past week.  Thank you for coming in to the school!

Here's what's happening in our classroom in Literacy, Math, and well as some upcoming events. 

1. Literacy:  
     a)  Reading:  envisioning/predicting (what and why); continuing practising to check for comprehension; re-telling; word attack skills
     b) Writing:  writing proper paragraphs using a "hamburger model"

2. Math: Addition and Subtraction of 2 and 3 digit numbers
a) Solve problems involving the addition and subtraction of two-digit numbers, using a variety of mental strategies
b) Add and subtract three-digit numbers, using concrete materials, student-generated algorithms, and standard algorithms
c) Use estimation when solving problems involving addition and subtraction, to help judge the reasonableness of a solution

3. Science:  Continuing our investigations regarding Forces Causing Movement

1. Please return a signed copy of the progress report and the envelope as we re-use them throughout the year.
2.  20 minutes of reading every night at home, and writing it in the Reading Logs
3. Math homework will come home on Wednesdays and will be due on Fridays.
4. Occasionally, other homework may be sent home either because your child needs some extra practice or your child didn't complete it in class. 

Our last Swim to Survive session will be this week, on Friday morning.

The class will be completing the first phase of the Grade 3 gifted testing this week.  A letter will be sent home at a later date, if your child will be continuing with the next phase.  

Saturday, 26 October 2019


October 2019
Dear Families/Guardian(s),

Please note that we will be participating in the Swim to Survive program soon. Please ensure your child
arrives to school on time on our swim days as the bus will be leaving Rick Hansen P.S. at 9:30 a.m..  

We will be swimming on November 1, 8, and 22.

We are asking for your help by having your child come to school with their swimming suit on under their
clothes. Please remind them to pack underwear for after swimming!  Your child will need a towel, and they are
allowed to bring flip-flops and goggles but they will need to be responsible for them. I would also suggest a plastic
bag to carry their wet towel and swimwear.  

We recommend sending extra healthy snacks to school, too, as they are often very hungry after their swim

Thank you for your support,
The Grade 3 Team 

Wednesday, 9 October 2019

What's happening in Room 312!

Hi - here's a quick update on what's happening in Room 312 these days!

1.  I understand that Swim to Survive is now available for payment online, as is the Arts Package.
2.  Pizza will NOT be starting this week.
3.  Scholastic order forms went home today.  Orders are due October 18.

Literacy:  READ AS IF BOOKS ARE GOLD!  In Literacy, we are working on composing fantastic "grade 3" sentences, and learning how to check for comprehension (ask your child about the three comprehension check questions).  We've interviewed our in-class reading partners, and are working on our reading stamina.  Students should be continuing to bring their red Reading Logs back and forth each day, along with their agendas.

Math:  Today we started to officially review and learn some new place value concepts.  Most students have completed their counting assessments and these will be sent home hopefully by the end of the week. The Wednesday MATH HOMEWORK was sent home today - it is due on Friday.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Mrs. Farley

Friday, 27 September 2019


Today, in Literacy, we discussed how we can build "Reading Lives" for ourselves.  The students came up with reading plans so that they can be successful readers.  They also decided how we were going to sort our classroom library, and were very busy getting it set up.

Meet the Teacher/Curriculum Night 2019

Good morning!

It was very nice to meet so many people last night.  If you were not able to make it and would still like to come in, please let me know and we can make other arrangements.

Also, I have posted the handout in the menu bar above - you can open it up and use the translation bars if you would like to read it in a different language. 

Thanks and have a wonderful day. 

Wednesday, 18 September 2019


I can't believe it's already over half way through Week 3! 

Everyone is settling into our classroom routines and there is already lots of learning and fun happening in our classroom.

In Literacy, we're working on writing super sentences that not only follow our "A good sentence has..." rules, they are also interesting and full of detail.  The students will be starting to decorate their Writer's Notebooks this week, and most children are already finished their Heart mapping activity which will provide each child with individualized writing ideas.  Daily reading logs will be coming home soon, and we are exploring our classroom library and everyone will learn how to find "just right" books.

In Math, we are starting with the Number Sense and Numeration strand.  Through the use of manipulatives, discussion, lessons, and mini-games, students will be investigating and working with whole numbers up to 1000. 

In Science, we will be starting our Forces unit next week and, in Social Studies, Mrs. Field and the class have been researching information about Ontario. 

Drama class has been a lot of fun as students have been practising "being in character", and in Health Class we have started our unit on Safety.

I hope everyone will be able to make it to our Parent-Teacher night on September 26, in the evening.  More details will follow next week.  I will be doing short presentations about the curriculum and items such as gifted testing and EQAO, which happen in Grade 3, and sharing some specific expectations for our classroom including homework, agendas, reading, etc.

905-841-6225 (ext. 312)

Wednesday, 28 August 2019


Welcome to Grade 3
    I am very excited that I will be your child’s teacher this year! It will be an exciting year full of new adventures and new discoveries.
   Although we will be using agendas this year, general classroom information will also be available on our monthly calendar and on my blog.  The blog has a TRANSLATE button that you can use to translate my entries into many different languages.  I will also post the information in this newsletter on the blog, too.
   If you ever have any questions or would like to meet, please contact me through your child’s agenda, or by phone or email. 
         Thank you,
                                                  Mrs. Jen Farley



905-841-6225 (ext. 312)

(You can also access my blog from the Rick Hansen Public School website.)

Please send a nutritious snack and lunch with your child every day. 
We are very fortunate to have a green bin program at our school and we encourage our students to bring litterless snacks and lunches.
As a reminder, our school is a nut-free environment.

   Although the school will provide most school supplies, many children enjoy bringing their own materials to school, such as pencil crayons and markers.  I recommend that students label these items in case they are misplaced.
   Please remind your child to leave toys and valuable items at home so they do not get broken or lost at school.
   **BINDERS and DIVIDERS:  I would appreciate it if each student could bring one binder (1.5 “) and 5 dividers.  They will be using these to help organize some of their work. 

   Our class has Phys. Ed. on Days 1 and 5 and will be doing DPA (Daily Physical Activity) on the other days.  To participate, students will need to wear indoor running shoes and comfortable clothing. 

Late Arrivals and Absences
   The entry bell rings at 9:00 a.m., which gives students enough time to be in their classrooms and ready for our prompt 9:10 a.m. start.  If a student is late, he/she will need to get a late slip from the office, and may miss important information for the day.  Please call in to the office if your child is going to late or absent.

   Throughout the year, there will be opportunities for parents/guardians/family members to volunteer in the classroom and in the school for a variety of activities.  If you are interested in volunteering, please let me know.  As a reminder, volunteers in YRDSB schools are required to obtain a Vulnerable Sector Screening through York Regional Police.  The paperwork you would need is available at the school.  Please let me know if you’d like a copy.